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Assault charges withdrawn against security guard

A security guard was charged with assault when defending himself against a drunk patron in Sydney

A young man from Sydney, 22 years of age was working as a security guard at a popular Sydney nightclub.

While working, he was asked to escort a drunk patron away from the venue. Upon doing this, the drunk patron began to get violent with him and threw two punches at our client.

In an attempt to defend himself, our client immediately dodged the punches and threw two back, colliding with the complainant and injuring him. As a result, he was charged with assault and facing a maximum of two years imprisonment, along with losing his employment in security.

Once he contacted us, we immediately began reviewing all the evidence against him and began negotiating the charge with police, ultimately pointing them to why they should drop the charge against our client in terms of self-defence and putting them on notice that we will be claiming our client's legal costs should the matter proceed further.

The police agreed with our representations and withdrew the charge against our client early, saving him time, stress and legal fees.

If you or anyone you know is charged with a criminal or traffic offence, contact us for a free consultation.

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