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Sydney Drink Driving Lawyer | Defending your rights to drive

Drink driving offences carry heavy penalties such as hefty fines and terms of imprisonment however, with an expert Drink Driving Lawyer it is still possible to get a non-conviction penalty and keep your license.

Charged with a Drink Driving Offence?

Facing a drink driving charge is a critical moment with potential severe consequences, including a damaged reputation, substantial fines, loss of driving privileges, and the possibility of jail time. 

The impact can extend beyond the legal realm, affecting your personal and professional life. Expert legal representation is crucial in such situations, and Faraj Defence Lawyers understands the gravity of your issue. 

We stand ready to provide a lifeline amidst the chaos, fighting tirelessly for the best possible outcome. If you or someone you know has been charged with drink driving, contact us today for a free initial consultation.

Why Choose Faraj Defence Lawyers for your Drink Driving Charge?


Free initial consultation

We understand the importance of an initial assessment, which is why we offer free consultations to discuss the specifics of your case.


Expert Defence Strategies

We craft meticulous defence strategies aimed at securing favourable outcomes, including aiming and securing Section 10 dismissals & non-convictions.


Unwavering Support and Guidance

Unwavering support and guidance from the beginning to the resolution of your case, ensuring you are informed and empowered throughout.


Negotiation Expertise

Our extensive knowledge on dealing with the prosecution has allowed us to develop expert negotiation strategies that will tip the scales in our favour.


Direct Access to Senior Criminal Lawyer

Direct access to a senior criminal lawyer who will oversee your case. Ensuring your matter is handled with the utmost expertise and attention it deserves.


Fixed Fees and Transparent Pricing

We believe in transparency. Our firm operates on fixed fees, providing clarity on costs from the outset. Eliminating any unexpected financial burdens.

What are the different types of drink driving offences?

Drink driving offences are governed by section 110 of the Road Transport Act 2013, and our expert Drink Driving Lawyers specialise in navigating the legal complexities surrounding these charges. There are five distinct types of drink driving offences categorised based on blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Each offence carries its own set of implications, and our dedicated team is well-versed in providing tailored defence strategies. The classifications include:

  • Novice range (over 0.00 to 0.019): Applies exclusively to learner, P1, or P2 drivers and interlock licence holders.

  • Special range (0.02 to 0.049): Applicable to learner, P1, or P2 drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, and interlock licence holders.

  • Low range (0.05 to 0.079): Represents a specific range of blood alcohol concentration with associated legal implications.

  • Mid-range (0.08 to 0.149): Covers a mid-range of blood alcohol concentration, distinct from other categories.

  • High range (0.15 and higher): Involves a significantly elevated blood alcohol concentration, carrying more severe consequences.

  • Refusal to participate in breath test: Treated as a high-range offence.

Blood alcohol concentration is meticulously measured based on the concentration of alcohol in 210 litres of breath or 100 millilitres of blood. 

Penalties for Drink Driving

Each offence carries separate maximum penalties and the lower your level of intoxication, the higher your chance will be at receiving a non-conviction penalty. This is also in addition to other circumstances surrounding your case, including whether the offence will be considered a ‘second or subsequent offence’. 

For an offence to be considered ‘second or subsequent offence’, the prior offence must be an equivalent offence or one classified as a ‘major offence’ and have occurred within the last 5 years. 

Major offences include driving offences which result in the death or bodily harm of another, all drink driving offences, and driving with an illicit substance in your system, among others.

The penalty applicable will also depend upon whether you are ordered to participate in themandatory interlock program or are deemed exempt by the court.

First Drink driving offence

PCA Level

Maximum Fine






MAX: 6 months
MIN: 3 months


Not applicable

Special Range


MAX: 6 months
MIN: 3 months


Not applicable

Low Range


MAX: 6 months
MIN: 3 months


Not applicable

Mid Range


MAX: 6 months
MIN: 3 months

1 year on interlock

Maximum of 18 months

High Rang


MAX: 3 years
MIN: 1 year

2 years on interlock

Maximum of 18 months

Second or subsequent drink driving offence

PCA Level

Maximum Fine






MAX: 3 months
MIN: 1 month

1 year on interlock

Not applicable

Special Range


MAX: 3 months
MIN: 1 month

1 year on interlock

Not applicable

Low Range


MAX: 3 months
MIN: 1 month

1 year on interlock

Not applicable

Mid Range


MAX: 3 months
MIN: 1 month

2 years on interlock

Maximum of 12 months

High Rang


MAX: 1 year
MIN: 9 months

4 years on interlock

Maximum of 24 months

If it is your first offence, police may choose to issue an on-the-spot fine of $603 for low, novice or special-range drink driving, instead of charging you. If you pay this fine, you will not receive a criminal record, however, it does incur a 3-month suspension.

You may seek to ‘court elect’ this fine, to seek leniency at court and avoid this suspension byachieving a non-conviction outcome however, this comes at the risk of harsher penalties and a criminal conviction.

Apart from the penalties above, the court will also impose one of the following:

  • S10(1)(a)

  • Conditional Release Order without conviction

  • Conditional Release Order with conviction

  • Fine

  • Community Corrections Order

  • Intensive Corrections Order

  • Full-Time Imprisonment

Keep your license: Speak to a Specialist Drink Driving Lawyer Today

When charged with drink driving, having a specialist lawyer by your side is crucial. Our experienced team understands drink driving laws, the legal landscape, and the potential complexities of your case. Seeking expert legal advice ensures that your rights are protected and gives you the best chance for a favourable outcome. 

Expert legal advice is not merely a protective measure; it's your key to preserving your rights and maximising the chances of keeping your licence.

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Have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Faraj Defence Lawyers is a Sydney based law firm specialising in criminal and traffic law matters.

What are my options in court?

When facing a drink driving charge, you'll encounter crucial decisions regarding your plea. Understanding your options can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

Pleading Guilty:Opting to plead guilty in a traffic case involves admitting to the charges put against you. While this acknowledgment may result in a conviction, it can convey remorse to the court. Expressing genuine remorse, cooperating with authorities, and demonstrating a commitment to addressing the issue may be pivotal in influencing the court's perception.

Importantly, pleading guilty can lead to more favourable sentences or alternative penalties with the help of your defence lawyers presenting the relevant mitigating factors involving your case. 

Pleading Not Guilty:
Choosing to plead not guilty means challenging the drink driving charges, placing the burden on the prosecution to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This decision initiates a trial where your defence strategy can involve scrutinising evidence, questioning the credibility of witnesses, and presenting an alternative narrative. 

A successful defence could result in an acquittal, clearing your name of the allegations. Seeking legal guidance is vital when considering a not guilty plea, as an experienced defence lawyer can assess the strength of the evidence specific to your stalking and intimidation case.

How much does a drink driving lawyer in Parramatta, Sydney Cost

We understand that when charged with a criminal offence, you will be going through many emotions and stressors in your life therefore, the last thing you want to do is worry about legal fees.

The cost of a criminal lawyer depends on the complexity of the case, expertise of the lawyer and quality of legal representation that you will receive.

At Faraj Defence Lawyers, we are specialised criminal lawyers and to assist our clients, we offer fixed fees for all matters and also offer a ‘pay as you go’ system for our clients to assist them in the course of their matter, as opposed to asking for all legal fees upfront.

Can Faraj Defence Lawyers help me get a Section 10 for drink driving?

A drink driving charge can last on your criminal record for a period of 10 years in NSW, however with the use of a section 10 dismissal or a conditional release order without conviction, you are able to avoid having a formally written conviction and leave the courtroom with your record unblemished. 

The only circumstance where a Court is restricted from granting a Section 10 dismissal or a CRO non-conviction to a drink driving offender is if the offender has previously received such a dismissal or non-conviction for any of the specified offences within the last 5 years from the date the court determines the current drink driving offence. According to section 203 of the Road Transport Act 2013 (NSW), these offences include

  • Drink driving.

  • Drug driving (driving with illicit drug in your oral fluid, blood, or urine).

  • Driving or attempting to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  • Menacing driving.

  • Failing to stop and assist after impact causing injury, or failing to stop and assist after vehicle impact causing grievous bodily harm or death under section 52AB of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW).

  • Refusing or failing to submit to an alcohol or drug test.

  • Altering concentration or amount of alcohol or drugs in your breath or blood.

  • Negligent driving causing grievous bodily harm or death.

  • Furious driving, reckless driving, or driving at a speed or manner dangerous to the public.

Faraj Defence Lawyers can assist you in securing a Section 10 for drink driving charges by meticulously analysing the details of your case and presenting a strong, persuasive argument in court. Our experienced team understands the nuanced factors considered for a Section 10, including the circumstances of the offence, your character, and steps taken for rehabilitation. We collaborate closely with you, gathering evidence and guiding you through the legal process. With a successful track record in achieving Section 10 outcomes for clients, our commitment is to advocate for your rights and present a compelling case tailored to your specific circumstances, increasing the likelihood of a favourable court decision.

What is a mandatory interlock program?

An interlock is a device which is installed into your vehicle and essentially prevents the vehicle from being started where the presence of alcohol is detected in your breath sample. You are required to blow into the device before starting the vehicle. Where an interlock is ordered by the court, you are required to have it installed prior to commencing driving after you have completed your disqualification period.

Requirements of the interlock program include:

  • Go to your GP for an assessment to obtain a drink-less medical certificate. This must be done within the last 4 weeks of your disqualification period.

  • Have an interlock device installed into your vehicle by an approved provider.

  • Blow into the device and register a nil alcohol reading to start the vehicle.

  • Blow into the device and register a nil alcohol reading at random times while you are driving your vehicle.

  • Drive no other vehicle while in the program unless that other vehicle also has an interlock device.

Exemptions to the mandatory interlock program are rare and are only granted in circumstances such as where:

  • You do not have access to a vehicle in which to install an interlock device,

  • You have a medical condition which prevents you from providing a sufficient breath sample to operate an interlock device, or

  • The making of an interlock order would cause severe hardship and it would be more appropriate to make an exemption order (note; this factor is only applicable for first offence midrange drink driving).

The Act specifically states that an exemption order should not be granted merely due to that:

  • You cannot afford the costs of installing an interlock device,

  • You will be prevented from driving a vehicle in the course of your employment,

  • You have access to a vehicle but the registered owner refuses to consent to the installation of the interlock device

What are the possible defences for break and enter?

Break and enter offences can be successfully defended in two ways.

  • The police agree, through representations of your lawyer to have the charge dismissed early; or

  • The court finds you not guilty of the offence.

At Faraj Defence Lawyers, we look at the evidence closely to determine the best case scenario for our client and whether there are any grounds to have the charges dismissed early, to save our clients time, stress and legal costs.

If the police do not withdraw the charge early and your matter needs to be defended in court, the following defences can be raised:

  • Self defence

  • You did not in fact, break into the property (false allegation, you were allowed into the property)

  • You did not intend to break into the property

  • Duress or necessity

  • Mental illness

  • Events that occurred in the course of every-day life (accidents). Is it breaking and entering if the premise was unlocked?

What are the sentencing guidelines for High Range drink driving offenders

In sentencing offenders of high range drink driving, the court has developed a guideline judgement of factors they will consider. Guideline judgments are decisions by the court to provide judges or Magistrates with guidance in relation to how they ought to sentence offenders. 

The guideline provides that a non-conviction will rarely be appropriate in ordinary cases, and that the automatic disqualification period should be imposed if there are not valid reasons toreduce it such as needing your licence for employment or having a lack of alternative transport. The lowest penalty that will generally be imposed is set out as being convicted, fined and subject to a good behaviour bond.

This does not mean that you cannot receive a more lenient penalty. More lenient penalties may be applied depending on the specific circumstances of the case.

The guideline sets out how high range drink driving will be considered ‘aggravated’ incircumstances including where:

  • There was a collision (i.e., with other cars, a person, property),

  • You were driving in an erratic or dangerous way,

  • It involved a long journey for an extended period,

  • Your degree of intoxication,

  • There were other passengers in the car.

Charged with a criminal or traffic offence? First consultation free. Arrange a conference with us today

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